Thursday, March 20, 2014

Yahoo one more year done.... Project life 2013

When I started this blog a long time ago I used to post a lot more of my scrapbooking. Now that my kids take front and center in most of my scrapbooking pages I really don't post so much of that stuff anymore.

Project life really is a lot of how I scrapbook these days. It frees up my sense of "obligation" to scrapbook every little thing. I've talked about it before here.

So my first all digital Project Life is done. ... 

I am happy with how it turned out. I had it printed at blurb using their BookSmart program. Really was easy to use and it was nice being able to compose the book throughout the year versus having to upload everything at once.

I was going to go with Adoramapix based on this review of 12 different online book printers. But really it was just too expensive.

This year I ended up getting very behind on my book. When the year was done I still had layouts from June that were not finished.  So for 2014 I am trying something a little different.

1. I have to dedicate 1 day a month to Project life. When I was doing the physical Project Life Album I used to do this and it was really easy. It was part of my monthly digital photo maintenance.... download picts off camera, phone etc. and just upload and print in one sitting.

2. I've created a photoshop template for 2014... Basically I just layered a lot of the basics that I use for my pages. Its easier to delete unused layers than opened up all the files you need over and over again. This way I can get the quick and easy pages done quickly. I found last year I would drop picts in but not finish the journalling or calendars, etc..

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