Thursday, June 18, 2015

What's growing on....

These are some more garden pictures from last weekend....... 

I am trying to grow corn this year ... just a few plants. I got a late start on them though. 

Curry Leaf plant has its summer leaves and is doing great. I even have a little baby sprout coming up. (When they send up little babies I take that to mean that Momma plant is happy :) ).

My allium jungle.... I am growing garlic, onions and leeks in one 4 x 4ft bed using the square foot gardening method. There are also that a few cilantro volunteer plants that I refuse to pull.  I can never get my onions to behave but as long as they are growing who am I to complain.

Sunchokes came back in a big way... these are all volunteers in a wild area of my yard.There are asparagus here to, I will be moving those this fall since the sunchokes are taking over. 

The kids should have cucumbers from the garden before they finish school. This is the first pickling cucumber. 

This is likely to be the first slicing cucumber. 

Lemon balm.... the kids like to eat certain herbs (mint, stevia, etc.) I thought they might like this one.

Sugar snap peas.... they don't like the wood trellis (too big for them to wrap their tendrils around) but we are helping them along.

I got a great start with my cantaloupe this year. They also don't like the wood trellis but a you can see they have found the deer fencing and are working their way up that. Cantaloupes really seem to like to climb. 

Last year I grew cabbage in a planter and it just didn't get big.. this year I have given them space in the garden and boy are they growing.

Last year I tried growing cauliflower from seed and it was a total bust. I think it just got to hot to quick, This year I am keeping these well watered and they get a bit of evening shade. So far so good. I two with actual fruit, hopefully I get a few others soon. 

When I first started gardening I asked my son what should I grow in the garden and all those years ago he asked for grapes. Well I am finally ready to try my hand at grapes. This is a pink seedless reliance grapevine. I still need to set up a trellis for it, which I hope to do soon. 

This is my perennial thyme. I love this little plant. I need my mom's french onion soup recipe. :)

These mint escaped the planter.... I really need to round them up and replant them in a pot but so far they seem to be behaving (I know they are mint they will never just stay contained). 

This year I am growing sugar pumpkin. I love mixing almond milk and frozen pumpkin puree in my protein shakes. Yummmmmm


This year I am growing 6 different peppers.... these are the first to set fruit... Cayenne Pepper. 

This is the last of the flowers on my rosemary plant.

Gotu Kola :)

So I waited for a few weeks to figure out whether this is really mukunawena or not... and I think it is. My original plant seemed to have died but the seeds all sprouted.... I probably will have to thin these out. 


Blueberries.... the first one turned blue the day after I took this picture. 

Turmeric plant.... it is happy to be outside . 

First wave of green beans. 

I am hoping to post a puppy update soon... till they I'll leave you with this :)

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