Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Compost Corner: Egg shells....

Eggs are an incredibly sustainable source of protein. Along with using the inside of the egg, the egg shell is one of the simplest things to compost and use in your garden.

Egg shells are something like 97% calcium. So egg shells are a great way to supplement calcium in your garden (especially for tomatoes, eggplants and peppers). Also apparently it keeps away slugs because they don't like to slide across the sharp edges.

So here is what I do....

1) When I am cooking with eggs I keep this little dish handy (one of those things in my kitchen that previously sat around collecting dust, till I found a new use for them).

2) Microwave the eggs for 3.5 minutes. Why 3.5 minutes? Way back when I found that number on the internet (great reason right) :) .

3) Crush egg shells into tiny pieces.

4) Done!

These egg shells are being saved for my summer tomatoes. (Otherwise they would just go straight into the compost bin).

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