Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Strawberries and Raspberries

This time of year is always a bit nerve racking... waiting to see which of my perennials died and which ones survived the winter. This year is worse than normal because with the harsh winter things are slower to sprout.

I've been watching my berry patch with bated breath. I already know that at least one blueberry bush has died. I may regret this later but I was excited to see little golden Ann raspberry plants (the smaller light green plant) popping up side by side with my strawberry plants (plant with the round leaves).

I had planted the raspberries on one side of my berry patch and strawberries on the other. I knew the strawberries would spread but did not realize that these raspberries would spread that far that fast as well. Its a prime location in my yard, lots of sun and its right underneath my family room window so the deer don't hang out there. I do see rabbits there often but so far they have left the strawberries alone... let see how long that lasts. Luckily the Anne Raspberries have some pretty nasty tiny thorns maybe they can protect the strawberries. (Just a thought).

I am hoping this works out because the strawberries peak early in the summer and the raspberries peak in the fall. (and the blueberries can be in between the two ... if the birds don't eat them first). 

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