Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day

My younger one asked me today if we could go outside and do some gardening... it was nice to be asked instead of me asking if they want to help me. Unfortunately it was a bit cold outside not great weather to start something new outside.

So we stayed indoors and cleaned out the seedlings that weren't going anywhere and started a few last indoor seedlings.

Genovese Basil... started these back in January.. they are 6-9 inches tall and are ready to go outside

We had a unseasonable warm spell a few weeks ago and it went up to 85 degrees so I stuck some snap peas and cucumber seeds in potting mix, soaked them thoroughly and stuck them outside in the hot sun. Quickest seeds to sprout ever for me(I don't use a heat mat or grow light). I think they sprouted in 2 days.

Sugar snap peas
 Cucumbers... I want to try pickling cucumbers this year. Those are the Thai chilis on the left... they are puttering along (waiting for the intense heat I'm sure)

Brandywine tomatoes... I also started these back in February... they are really waiting to go out. I've transferred them several times. And yes they are windburned/sun scalded... I put them outside when it was really warm thinking the sun would be good for them.... oh well.  Anyway they are recovering from that mistake and now I am reading up on how to harden off my seedlings.

The Lemongrass I was trying to root really is taking off... I even cut the top off one two weeks ago and in the picture below you can see how much its grown.  I am going to have to move these  to soil soon.

This is my San Marzano Redorta Tomato seedling.... I started these about a month ago. The germination rate is HORRIBLE... I sowed at least 12 seeds and after two weeks I only had two seedlings. So these are getting the royal treatment. I want to try saving the seeds from these.

This is my biggest eggplant seedling (you can see one of the others next to the San Marzano Red. above), I know the picture is bad but she really is doing really well considering how small the others are.

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