Thursday, March 01, 2007

I must be doing something right....
Ok... quick post (if thats even possible) b/c I brought home work that has to get done and I haven't even touched it yet (auuuughhhh).....

As is the case with most... college was a time where I put my body through the ringer.... eating at times when my body should have been asleep, not really paying attention to what I was eating (ahhhh the glory days), being asleep when I should have been awake (and vice versa), drinking inordinate amounts of coffee (and other typical college beverages) and a general lack of thought about my general health. So after I left college any sort of activity involving my physical well being (i.e. doctors appointments, dentists appointments, trips to the gym, even facials) reminded me of what I put my body through during that tumultuous time.

Well... like others in my current age group I am accutely aware of the need to develop good habbits.... eat right, get adequate sleep, drink lots of water, floss, taking care of my skin (yes I was one of those people that even at the age of 25 was still breaking out)... slowly I've been trying to include better habbits..... now I can't expect to go from college kid to health nut in a day and I have had to learn to be happy with small steps ..... and its days like today when I think....
I must be doing something right.....

I visited the dentist today... after having not seen a dentist in close to 2 years (not a good thing).... and of course I had cavities (its my own fault) but it seems as though my gums are in great health..... this is a good thing... I had never flossed in my life and apparently in my mouth that has translated into mild to moderate gum disease. So now I floss a few times a week (not everyday like I am supposed to) and use Crest prohealth regularly .... and Voila... healthy gums. Yes... I know I still have cavities but... baby steps.. I'll get there someday.

Anyway then later in the day I went for a facial .... I treat myself to this every once in a while... I find it relaxing (yeah I know extractions really aren't relaxing.... but the clean/soft feeling afterward is relaxing) Well I've always been prone to breakouts.... and I never took good care of my skin.... well over the years I've tried various things and figured out a routine that works for me. Its not perfect but it works... and so today when I went for my facial she said to me.... "this isn't really bad at all..." I was thrilled because it wasn't "oh look at the dark circles around your eyes... do you drink enough water" or "this doesn't look like you exfoliate regularly" or "boy your skin is just so congested".

Part of the lesson to myself is don't be discouraged if I can't do things perfectly.... like flossing everyday, or going to the gym everyday, or exfoliating/face mask once a week. Be happy doing what you are capable of and gradually build up to your happy medium. There are definitely days that I can't work out but thats ok, just don't get discouraged and give up all together.

Another thing that I want to add.... I had sought out this day spa because they sold Dermalogica its been three years since I used/had a facial using dermalogica. I have to say this stuff is my guilty pleasure.... I really love it. It costs a pretty penny... and I have found other cheaper products that I can use instead.... but I love how my skin feels when I use dermalogica products.

On a completely different note .... I signed up for Scrap a faire. I've taken online classes at BPS and have problems remembering to download the lessons every week so when I realized Scrap a fair was online I really wasn't going to even bother. However Rhonna's classes really peaked my interest so I had to give it a shot.... and I have to say I am really kind of liking this scrap faire format....

I like being able to "stop the class" and either catch up or play with a feature that they are describing I also like being able to fast forward if its something that I know very well.

I have used photoshop CS quite a bit but not a lot so I wasn't sure whether I wanted to take Rhonna's beginner class or the advanced photoshop brushes class... I did take the advanced class and I'm glad I did...... Now I haven't finished this class but the little time I did spend on it I learned a ton. Now I know what people are talking about when they talk about BRUSHES... soooo awesome.... can't wait to go back and finish this... I may even take her 101 class bc she gives tons of tips.

I also took Anita's show stopping photo editing class. Now I have done a bit of this before but it was really great seeing someone elses process b/c everyone does this differently.. not to mention she is a professional photographer so obviously I was even more interested. I learned leaps and bounds in this class as well. The way she crops photos was eye opening b/c her original shots sometimes aren't really all that spectacular but she works with the photo composition in the editing process....and then they really look great.

1 comment:

rb said...

you're inspiring me to get a facial. i absolutely love them too!!